Friday, January 28, 2011

The first event of Hero Malaya

Salam and Hi guys,

I just went back from Carrefour Wangsa Maju... Hero Malaya event.... It was a charity work... their so call as 'salary' for that day, has been donated to their friend; Bob Kuman; he needs RM60,000 for medical purposes and he never knew it was meant for him, till it was announced by Aznil; the person who leads Hero Malaya...

Its fun to see how hard they've tried to sell the oranges... Actually I have no intention to buy oranges, but this guy 'Shafie'... he's moving around... meet people on his own... and tried his best to sell several boxes... So, he came to me... signed on the box... and in order to support them... I bought one... Its okay... because actually my mom and my nephew love oranges.. so, I don't think its a waste...

It was so fun to see how hard they tried to attract customers to make payment at their counter... some of them stand on the chair, blow whistle and call the customers, some of them pull the cart straight to their counter...

The event quite chaos... (for me)... it was all because of the fans wanted to take pictures with their favorite artist, not really into buying the product that been promoted by the artist... but, somehow, it was considered manageable...

I've been there for 3 hours... it was good experience... first time going to this kind of event... just wanna see it with my own eyes... :P

By the way this are the artists involved... Some of them couldn't make it... I think they may have good reasons for that... :) Credit to Aznil Hj Nawawi blogspot for this picture... :)

Below are several pictures that I wanna share with you guys.... enjoy.... :)

They really tried to sell the oranges

This is 'Shafie' = the guy who asked me to buy the oranges, + My sis + My nephew

This is another group who also tried to sell the oranges - Aznil Nawawi, Zoey & Adi Fashla

DJ Nas T and Maulana AF9 - helping the counter

Aliff Sattar - helping the counter

Farish - helping the counter

Iqram Dinzly - helping the counter

Zizan Raja Lawak & Altimate - helping the counter

Zahiril - helping the counter

Erry Putra - helping the counter

Zahid AF2 - helping the counter

Fazley - Helping the counter

The members of 'Hero Malaya'

RM60K that been donated to 'Bob Kuman'

It just a proof that we bought the oranges - he worried that we won't buy it - complete with signature of Shafie & date (28/1/11)

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