In this world, there are some people are lucky and some people are not.. I wanna ask you something.. Are sure you are lucky?? or are you sure you are not lucky at all??
Think again.. coz you're actually lucky.. I believe everyone is lucky.. but in its own way.. and you never realize it.. take your time and think about it..
I'm sure most of the people think that beautiful, rich, famous etc is lucky.. but have you ever thought that how difficult is their life.. stalker, untrusted people (at certain stage they cannot even trust anyone).. Can you live like that.. You may say 'Yes'.. but when you be given opportunity to become one.. you may miss your old time..
I considered myself as lucky in this world.. I'm not rich, i'm not beautiful either and i ain't famous as well.. but I'm lucky coz I have my family, I have god who knows me better and never give up on me, eventhough sometimes I forget Him.. I'm happy to be me.. So.. enjoy your life as well.. think positive.. coz that will help you to see how lucky are you.. :)
take your time and think about it.. LUCKY is not necessarily what you can see.. it can be something that you cannot see.. which is yourself.. :)
Think about it.. so, that's all for now.. I'll see you guys in the next post..
Bye bye and have a nice day..
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